Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I have just three words to say...

Round Ligament Pain!

I always thought I knew what round ligament pain was because I was sure I had experienced it when I was pregnant with Owen and Jack. Oh no....now I KNOW I surely did not experience round ligament pain at least not in this capacity. Compared to what I have been experiencing with this pregnancy those pains were like a pin prick....easy peasy! This morning around 2:30am I was actually in so much pain I ended up waking up Michael because I was groaning and moaning from the pain. I was trying to not actually scream bloody murder which is what I really wanted to do. Poor guy probably thought I was in labor or something. Of course I don't know what would give him that idea....it wasn't me that just before bed last night talked about the fact that I don't see how I could possibly make it to my due date. I most definitely did not say something like, "I just have this feeling that she's going to come early".

The thing with round ligament pain is it can happen at anytime for any reason. I can be moving or I can be sitting perfectly still. Once it starts there's no going back. It's like a contraction where the pain has to peek and then come back down. It's mostly on my left side and if I think of it visually I would say it's like taking the inside batting of a pillow and pulling it apart. That's basically what it feels like is happening to my muscles....FUN! I talked to the doctor about it at my last appointment and she said there's really nothing they can do for it and it does get progressively worse with every pregnancy. GREAT!! Who needs a 4th kid anyway...right?

1 comment:

  1. Mine were bad this last time around too. I didn't know that it gets worse each time, but that totally makes since.

    Sorry you are in such pain : (
