Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What's Up?

I guess I've been on a blogging hiatis for a few days! Here are some of the things we've been up and some of the things we need do before Ella arrives.


I had two baby showers last weekend, one at my mom's and one at my friend Kim's house. I had so much fun! It was great hanging out with girlfriends and family. Ella got some great stuff!

I'm cashing in on one of my Christmas presents this Sunday - my day with my Mom! We are going to take a few things back that I got at my showers and buy a few things that I didn't get. I love getting to spend the whole day with just her! I figured it would be good to cash in on this day before Ella came because once she does she would have to come with us since I breastfeed.

Michael had to go on his first business trip. He was gone for 2 days the week prior to Owen's birthday party and then 3 days after his birthday party. It actually wasn't all that bad. I made sure the boys and I had lots of things scheduled. Friends and family came over and kept us company too so that was wonderful! It's nice to know I can handle the fort by myself while he's gone. Not that I want to do it all the time mind you!

If you don't follow me on FB you don't know that Ella's C-Section is officially scheduled for Thursday February 25th. That will most definitely be her birthday unless I go into labor prior to that.

I've been trying to get ready for Ella's arrival. Her clothes are all washed and put away. I'm going to pack my bag for the hospital tomorrow. I also went through the boys closet and dresser and took out all the clothes they've outgrown and put them away in storage. You know me and organization!

I've been in a SUPER creative mood lately. In the last month and half I have...made my own baby shower invitations and thank you cards, Owen's birthday invitations and thank you cards, birthday invitations for my friend Lori's daughter, baby shower invitations for my friend Jen, gotten all caught up on my scrapbooking, finished Ella's cross stitch and crocheted a baby blanket for her. Holy cow that's a lot of stuff!!! For some reason I feel the need to be busy ALL THE TIME! I just can't stand to sit still and do nothing.

I need to have Michael bring in all the babygear like the bouncy seat and the swing. Although I think I'll wait until she's here so the boys don't want to play in them.

We need to install Ella's carseat in the van and then we are going to go to the hospital and have all the carseats checked out.

I feel like I've pretty much been sick since Christmas. Michael had a cold before Christmas and then I got it on Christmas Eve. The boys didn't get that one, but then Michael went on his business trip and came back with a sore throat. I got it a couple days later and now both the boys are sick. Michael is better now so we know it's not going to last long, but both the boys are so snotty it's just gross. I sure hope we get this all out of our system before Ella comes. Tomorrow Michael is going to bath our house in Lysol!

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