Friday, February 5, 2010

36 weeks 1 day

20 days until my scheduled C-Section!!! Sometimes when I say that it seems like it's right around the corner, but for the most part I feel like...ugh...20 days until my C-Section. I'm definitely!

- My biggest complaint right now with my body is not my round ligament pain anymore (those have subsided thank goodness) it's my feet. I'm telling you my feet are killing me. I know it has to do with all the hormones running through my body and loosening everything up for delivery, but my feet are really taking a beating. I can barely take a shower without shoes they hurt so bad. I literally feel like I need to have shoes on all the time to hold the bones in my feet together.

- Lately I've had trouble sleeping. You'd think I'd be exhausted by the end of the day, but I'm not. I'm usually wild awake at 11 when we go to bed. I finally do fall asleep and then wake up to go pee I must have been asleep for a while. Then I look at the clock and it's 12:30! If I wasn't pregnant I think that would make me happy...yay I have 6 more hours to sleep, but right now it just really makes me mad. Remember how your parents would say if you fall asleep when you wake up we'll be there. That's how I feel the nights should be for me. I'm so ready for her to be here that I feel like I should go to sleep and wake up to the start of another day and be that much closer to her. I know I shouldn't rush this time, but it's really irritating when you keep waking up every hour or so. It makes the nights really drag by!

- Thankfully this week has been tons better than last week and I'm not feeling nearly as emotional as I was. I've been making sure to take time to sit down and relax and also to just be easier on myself and my expectations of what I can and can't do.

- I have my bag all packed and ready to go just in case I go into labor earlier than the 25th. After Owen came 3 1/2 weeks early we decided it would be a good idea with both Jack and Ella to have my bag packed by 35 weeks.

- Ella's pack and play is all set up in our bedroom and the boys already know it's Ella's bed. Like I've said before we like to change things beforehand so the boys can get used to it. Michael also put her car seat in the van and moved the boys seats in the back so the van is all set up for 3 kiddos. The boys are already used to it and I'm loving the new layout. Below is a picture I took the first time the boys rode in the back. It was before Michael installed Ella's car seat. I decided to put the wicker basket in the van to hold the diaper bag, blankets and toys that the boys want in the car so they don't go flying all over the place.

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