Sunday, June 6, 2010

Uncle Ry's Birthday!

On Memorial Day we headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's to celebrate Uncle Ry's birthday.
Uncle Ry loves his niece.

Stephie and Ga-Ga working in the kitchen with Ga-Ga little sidekick...Jackers. The only way she could get him to look at the camera was to hold out his cup of snacks.

Pa decided to get a fire going in the fire pit, but Jack wasn't too sure about it.

He ate a little bit of a roasted marshmallow, but he wasn't too impressed.

Owen loves fire so him and I enjoyed sitting by it for a few minutes.

Pa loves it when the kids fall asleep in his arms.

Ella got to be held by a lot of people...this is Ellen.

Proof that Ella doesn't mind it when Uncle Ry kisses her cheeks. He used to do the same thing to me when I was little.

Norean got to hold Ella too.

Time for cake! The kids help since there were SO many candles on the cake! ;)

Whatcha get? Uncle Ry got a bunch of cards, a couple shirts and a gift card to his favorite place...a book store!

Ga-Ga and the boys having fun with water. It was a good day!

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