Friday, July 2, 2010

Pa's 60th Birthday Party!

On Saturday we celebrated Pa's 60th Birthday. It was a western theme since we are from Wyoming and really you can take the man out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the man...or something like that!

Uncle Ry and Uncle Lee were the cooks...excuse me grillers!

Trust me no one went hungry!

Aunt Linda and Uncle Lee came on vacation to visit us from Wyoming. Part of my Dad's present from them was my Dad's very own brander for his steaks. See the DG? Super cool!

The party goers! Owen wasn't feelin' it!

Ella slept most of the time out under the gazebo in the midst of all the noise.

Some people wanted to stay inside with the AC. This is Ellen and GG. GG is visiting from's been fun seeing family so much this last week!

Pa had set up tables outside for us to enjoy the nice weather. It's about time!

And's the birthday guy...boy sounded weird, after all he is 60 now!

Ga-Ga got Pa a cake with the Wyoming bucking horse on it. Of course when they told the boys that Pa's cake was going to have a horse on it naturally the boys thought it was going to be Bulls-Eye from Toy Story....hence Woody and Bulls-Eye on the cake!

Owen helping out Pa with his candles!

Along with loving all things western Pa is a huge fan of all things Chrysler so he is loving this picture Uncle Ry and Stephanie got him of the Chrysler building with a little excerpt of how it secretly beat out other skyscrapers in NY to become of the tallest of its day. It really is an interesting story!

Pa also got these cute cowboy boot slippers and a bunch of other cards and some gift cards and money.

It was a fun time had by all celebrating a wonderful person in our lives!

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