Saturday, July 24, 2010

To NorthGate & Beyond Orting!

On Tuesday morning we all hopped in the van and headed north for Michael to give our friends an estimate. They live up by NorthGate Mall. After that we were planning on heading over to Factoria to see Toy Story 3 in 2D. I wanted to see it in 2D because I wasn't sure how the boys would do with the glasses. However, I forgot the free tickets that one of my friends gave me at home. So we drove all the way home, ate lunch and then headed to the AMC theater in SouthCenter instead. As well as having two free tickets, Michael also had an AMC gift card that he got for his birthday.
So we saw it in 3D and to put it lightly the glasses weren't even an issue! We decided that since this was the boys first movie experience that we were going to go all out. We got the large popcorn and large soda. Even with the free tickets and a $25 gift card we still spent $6.50! Outrageous...I remember when it cost $3.25 to see a movie....AT NIGHT!!! Mmmm...the good ol' days!

The boys loved the movie and the food. It was such a success for their first movie. In fact I can't wait for it to come to the cheap theater because we will definitely be seeing it again. Ella also did great. We were planning on going on a weekend when my parents could watch her, but it just worked out today. She slept for the first part of the movie, then she woke up and nursed and then watched the rest of it with us. It was great!

After the movie we drove down to Lakewood and stopped at a park to play for a while before going to one of my Dad's co-workers house to give him an estimate. (Side note: I am NOT a fan of GPS, but ever since Michael got it for that short time he was doing agency work earlier this year it's come in handy lots of times including this day when it came to finding a park in the that feature!) Here the boys are heading down to the water.

They got to throw rocks in the water a few times until the lifeguard said that was a no-no. Then it was back up the play structure.

Daddy sat in the grass with Ella so I could run around and take pictures of the boys. I love getting pictures of them outside on sunny days...the colors are so nice!

Jack, however, was not a very good subject today. He just wasn't feeling the whole picture thing in the beginning. I got lots of this...

And this!

Finally I got this!

Owen is still pushing himself to climb everything.

And I love taking pictures of him climbing any chance I can get!

He's always so proud of himself when he makes it to the top!

A little while after that it was time for us to go so Michael could give an estimate. Once he was done measuring for the estimate we headed over to Ga-Ga & Pa's house to hang out for a little while. That day we logged over 150 miles in the van so everyone was ready to get out of the van and stretch our legs. It was a great day...the boys didn't have to take a nap, they got to eat junk food and stay up pass their bedtime.

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