Saturday, October 23, 2010

Being Intentional!

This year at MOPS I'm not only a Care Group Leader, but I'm the Care Group Coordinator as well. One of the things we're doing with the leadership in our MOPS group is reading the book, Rescue Your Love Life. I'm sure a lot of married couples with kids have gone through changes in their relationship and Michael and I are no different. It's really easy to get wrapped up in the kids and to not make your marriage a priority. It's not that anything was really wrong...we just weren't taking the time we needed to focus on each other and help our marriage grow. So we made some changes!

This last week we actually made a schedule. Everyday we have free time, when the kids are napping and after they've gone to bed. Our schedule includes what we do during those times. It's been so great! We are reading the Rescue Your Love Life book together 3 times a week and at other times we will play games or watch a movie together. Last night we watched our wedding video that one of our friends put on a DVD for us (Thanks Micah!)! It was so fun to walk down memory lane.

Today my parents came and watched the kids so Michael and I could go to the theater. We had free tickets to see Wedding Belles at The Taproot theater. We also had Teriyaki for lunch and then stopped at 7/11 to get my favorite...Coca Cola Slurpee! YUMMY!!!

Here's to being intentional!


  1. That so funny! That is what has been on my heart the past few days as well. I got together with Dena the other night, for some encouragement, and to just talk some things through. The main thing she said was, I need to start taking care of myself, and making my marriage a priority. Ugh. I know this to be true, but so much easier said than done. Before we had kids, I always said we would have date night once a week. NO MATTER WHAT! Ha! Wow, have I had to eat those words. I know some changes need to be made, thanks for taking the plunge, maybe that's the extra push I need : - )
