Friday, October 15, 2010

Day Trip!

On Wednesday we went on a road trip with the kids east of the mountains. We were going to visit Leavenworth, but we really spent more time at Smallwood's just outside of Leavenworth.

I love all the fall decorations they had around.

When we came here last year it was rainy so we didn't spend much time outside. This year the weather was spectacular. It was actually hot!

At Smallwood's they have tons of fun...FREE...stuff for the kids to do.

We spent some time at the ball toss. At first Ella just tried to chew on the balls, but after while she started picking up rocks and trying to chew on them. Reminded me of Jack in this post.

They had tons of inflatables...Jack just had to snuggle Tigger!

Michael and Owen trying to lasso a bull. Owen would just walk up and put the loop on the horn.

Then we wandered over to the hen house.

This chicken actually lunged at Owen and tried to peck him through the fence.

They also had these cute wooden cutouts all over so the kids could stick there face through. I seriously think these are corny, but this was just too cute to not take a picture.

This was Ella's first time in a wagon.

This is Jack's way of getting a ringer.

Owen liked playing horse shoes, but he also liked to throw them before Jack was out of the way...Thankfully no one got hurt!

They had these super cute tire horse swings. I loved them! I told Michael that was his next project for our backyard...he laughed!

Jack didn't really like them because he kept hitting his face on the blue cord.

When we first got to the farm Ella was not interested in eating, but by this time she was. So Mama and her hung out by the picnic tables so I could feed her.

Once Ella ate I got her strapped in the Babyhawk and we walked over to hang out with the boys.

They were riding around on this trike track they have for the kids. Jack still doesn't really understand what to do on the trikes. He won't pedal, but he likes to be pushed.

This was by far Owen's favorite part of our day...he had a blast! In fact so much so tears were shed when it was time to move onto something else.

Cute teether!

When we got over to the actual store area we noticed that the cow train was about to depart so we paid for the boys to take a ride. They got to share the front cow right behind the tractor.

We watched the boys pull away and the driver took them all over the farm. He was really moving and we were sure they were having a blast...they had a great time at the fair! But...then the tractor started heading back earlier than I expected.

Yep...more tears were shed! Jack was fine, but Owen was a was WAY too bumpy for him. Poor guy!

Then it was time to go shopping...this was Ella's first time in a grocery cart.

They had this cute little grocery carts for the boys to use. They loved them!

I tried to get pictures of the kids together with all the fall decorations, but it's so hard to get three kids to look AND smile at the same time. Love this picture of Ella showing off all 4 of her teeth.

After all that fun we got in the car and drove a few miles down the road to Leavenworth. We walked the town for a little while and then it dawned on us...Leavenworth really isn't a destination for small kids. The shops are super tiny...therefore they aren't stroller friendly and we didn't need to buy anything they were selling either.

Of course Daddy had to have ice cream!

Who's gonna complain about ice cream?

Shortly after this we got in the car and started the trek home. Unfortunately our wonderful day didn't end on such a good note for myself. I hadn't really felt good the whole day so I asked Michael to drive home...if you know me you know this is NOT me. I love to drive!! By the time we made it to North Bend I was asking Michael to pull over...I ended up puking in the car before he could...TMI...I know! Just in case you're wondering I'm not pregnant. Not sure where I picked up the stomach flu, but thankfully no one else has gotten sick. It was short lived, but it was not fun!

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