Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Carrier!

Since it was time to give back the Baby Bjorn to my friend Kim I had been wanting to get a new carrier. I still had my Moby wrap, but like I said before it was just not convenient to put on quickly. A friend of mine had an Ergo and really liked it. I decided to check Craigslist and see if I could find a good deal. I found one I really liked and it even came with an infant insert...just in case we need such a thing down the road. My mom and dad gave me the money to get it for Ella. The lady said she was going to hold it for me until after I came back from my MOPS retreat, but she ended up selling it over the weekend instead. I'm not going to lie...I was totally peeved! really ended up being a good thing. It gave me more time to research other carriers. Another friend of mine has a BabyHawk carrier and that's what I ended up going with.

I got a BabyHawk Oh Snap and I love it! It really isn't that different from an Ergo, but there were a lot more color and fabric choices so that was fun. I can wear Ella on the front, hip or back. I can also wear her until she's 45lbs! This is going to get a lot of use that's for sure. It was little more money than my parents gave me, but it was totally worth it. It's super comfy and oh so stylish!

Look at these cute it!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!! I love the fun fabric! Sometimes I wish I would have gotten one more fun, but I suppose practical is good too : - )
