Friday, November 12, 2010

Potty Training & Pictures!

Jack has been potty training for over a week...per his request! We tried the whole potty training boot camp thing about a month ago and just like Owen, he didn't "get it" the first time around. Also just like Owen, he decided when he wanted to go. We weren't going to start working with him again until after the holidays just because it's crazy, but last week he said he wanted to go poo in the potty and he's just ran with it.
He has about 2 pee pee accidents a day, but he's really good about pooing in the fact he seriously thinks he HAS to poo every time he goes and he almost always does! Another funny thing he does is sit on his little potty and say, "I need privacy!" and then he scoots his entire potty chair and around so he has his back to you. It's hilarious! Oh and almost everyday he makes it all the way through his nap without going potty in his night-night undies AKA Pull-Ups! I'm so proud of him!
Since I haven't captured a really good picture of all three of the kids together I thought...hey they look cute from behind so let's try that! Of course I forgot the fact that since Jack is potty training he's running around without pants on these days, but oh well it's still a cute picture. And just for fun...

I think this picture is so funny! For some reason Jack thought he should stick out his tush and Ella was practicing holding on with just one hand and it totally looks like she's going to smack Jack on the bottom!

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