Friday, December 24, 2010

Build & Grow!

A few weeks ago my SIL Michelle told me about these free workshops they have at Lowe's for kids. I remembered seeing sign up sheets for something similar at Home Depot, but I just hadn't really paid attention that much. In the beginning of December Lowe's had a 3 part series for the kids. The first Saturday they made the caboose, the next was the passenger train and then finally the engine.

The online sign up for the workshops says that the kids need to be in 1st grade, but Owen does great. Michael says the projects usually only take about 10 minutes. The first time Michael took Owen he got bored really fast, but by this last time he almost did all the hammering himself.

All the kids get an apron and goggles to wear when they are working on their crafts. Owen doesn't like wearing the goggles and there's really no need so it's not a big deal. In fact Michael says that none of the other kids even wear their aprons. I think he's so cute though so I have Michael put it on him.

Besides they hand out these cute patches to show the accomplishments the kids have made. It's been fun stitching them on his apron. Michael says I'm going to make a great Boy Scout Mama!

Isn't the train so cute! Owen doesn't really play with it much, but it's just so cute and it was free. It's fun for him and Daddy to get out and have some alone bonding time. I've already signed them up for the next two sessions in January.

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