Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Morning At Home!

Surprisingly the kids slept in on Christmas. I was sure they'd be up early, but I guess staying up until 10:30ish the night before helped them to sleep in. I believe I got them up around 8 or so. I can't really remember it's seriously a blur!

Ella is wondering what in the world is going on! This year the boys totally got it. They were just tearing into their gifts. Owen was especially ready...he would walk over and touch a gift and say, "This one is mine Mama!" and he was always right! Michael thinks he scoped out the presents before Christmas since he's knows how to spell his name.

I tried to be really money conscience when buying gifts this year. I got things on Value garage sales...with gift cards or on a really good sale after Thanksgiving. The boys got a totally of 4 games, Chutes and Ladders, Junior Boggle, Toy Story Yahtzee and The Fishing Game.

I got this on CL for a whopping $13!

Ella got 3 puzzles and a ball set from Toys For Tots, Fisher-Price Carnival I found on CL's for $10, a dolly from friends from church and the big Fisher-Price Playhouse in the first picture on this post.

We got the boys each got a movie - Ice Age The Meltdown & Toy Story 3!

This is Jack big present. I had seen it at Target a while back, but it was 59.99! On Thanksgiving day I noticed that it was going to be on sale for 29.99 for two days. My mom and I headed out to go buy it, but the first Target we got to they were sold out and the worker we saw in the toy aisle said they sold out in about 2 hours. I was so sure they were all going to be out. Later that day we went to different Target and we took our time making our way back to the toy section. I was sure they weren't going to have it. Then I walked down the aisle and there it was! (Insert Hallelujah music) I was so happy I seriously almost cried. There were these ladies in the aisle and they must have thought I was a totally nut job! I just know how much Jack ADORES Toy Story and I knew these would be his favorite...and they are!

Owen loves diggers! I found these at Toys R Us and the reviews were pretty bad about them breaking, but they were the only ones I could find that looked real. So I decided to give it a go. So far we've had one part break on one of the diggers, but it will still work. I have a feeling in about three months they will all end up in the garage can, but they will still be worth the price.

I found Ella's playhouse that at Value Village about 2 months ago. It was $10, but it was missing the balls and shapes that go with it. The day after Thanksgiving my mom and I went to Toys R Us and I saw that they still sold it in the stores...for $84.99!!! I ended up calling Fisher-Price and getting a part replacement kit for 9.48! That has been the best find...all the kids love it!

This year because of the way Christmas fell on a weekend we were able to stretch it out over 3 days. Christmas Eve with Michael's family, Christmas morning/day at our house and then after nap time on Christmas we headed down to Ga-Ga & Pa's to have "Christmas Morning" with my family on Sunday morning. It was so nice to not have to rush!

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