Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garden D'lights

On Tuesday night we went to The Garden D'lights at Bellevue's Botanical Garden. It was one of the last free nights of the season.

We invited Ga-Ga and Pa along to enjoy the lights with us. It was cold so we bundled up, but it was NO WHERE near as cold as it was last year when we took the kids to Zoolights. An added bonus was it didn't rain a drop while we were there. Not sure how we managed that one since it's been a torrential downpour here the last few days.
Jack loved touching the lights. They all looked so pretty! It was a fun change since last year we saw animals and this year we saw flowers!
Group shot!
I thought Owen would be more excited about the light since every time we drive by a house with lights he yells, "Christmas Lights!"...maybe it was because they weren't actually on houses...who knows! He did have fun kicking the rocks on the path we walked on and jumping in a mud puddle.

Ella was all snuggly warm in her carrier. She likes being carried, but she really wants to see what's going on so she spends most the time trying to turn around. Also after about 45 minutes to an hour she's pretty much done being confined and she starts arching her back to get's pretty hilarious!

The light displays were gorgeous! It's hard to get pictures since you have to have the flash off for the lights to show up.

A lot of the displays with blue lights were supposed to be water and they would twinkle and it would look like it was moving. Very cool!

On the way home I asked the boys what there favorite thing was and they both said the spider!

Since we were all a little chilly we decided to stop at Denny's and get some warm drinks and dessert.

Ella Grace munched on crackers and she might have shared my Cheesecake with me.
We got the boys hot chocolate and a brownie with hot fudge and ice cream.

Jack has done really well these last few days with potty training...he even went potty at Denny's standing up no less!!! So proud of him!

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