Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Reason For The Season!

On Saturday night we went on another adventure, this time with Ga-Ga & Pa. There is a church in Gig Harbor that has a Living Nativity that you can either walk or drive through. Last year my parents drove through it, but this time Mom wanted to walk through since she thought it would be more interactive for the kids.

It was a clear, cool night, but once we were all bundled up it wasn't bad at all.

We've been really trying to focus on the reason for the season this year. We've never really focused on the whole Santa thing anyway. It's fun getting to see the boys "get" certain parts about the Christmas story. They both know it's Jesus' birthday and that's why we decorate and get gifts.

Back to The Living's supposed to be just like you are walking into the town of Bethlehem during the time Jesus was born. We first walked through the Census office and then into the market. They had a bread shop where they were serving cookies and who would have though that Ella would be a thief so young! She seriously grabbed it from me...and I let her eat it. Can you say...THIRD CHILD! I would never have let the boys eat a cookie like that at 9 months old!

After the market place we passed by the angels that told of Jesus' coming and then we met the shepherds who told us to follow the star. Then we looked up ahead and saw it...

That beautiful bright star showing the way. Like I said we've been talking to the boys about Jesus' birth and right about this time we were saying something like, "Look boys it's the stable where baby Jesus was born!" That's when Jack chimed in and said, "There was no room!" It made my heart sing...he IS listening...thank you God!!!!

We were able to walk right up to the stable and see the blessed baby lying in a manger! It was such a different and creative way to experience the Christmas story.

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