Friday, December 31, 2010

Stockings...An Afterthought!

At both our house and at Ga-Ga & Pa's we completely forgot about the stockings. We didn't end up opening the stockings at Ga-Ga & Pa's until late in the day after dinner.

By this time Ella had kind of figured out this whole opening present thing!
Ella got banana cookies and some yogurt melts!

The boys got trucks, Buzz & Woody zipper pulls, tape, scissors, crayons, paints and of course candy!

Owen wanted Jack's truck that he got so he traded his Buzz zipper pull to get it. It was fun to see the boys negotiate like that. It also wasn't very hard to convince Jack since he really wanted the Buzz zipper pull!

When we got home from Ga-Ga & Pa's on Monday we had the kids open their stockings at home. I swear my kids think that Christmas is a week long celebration!

The boys each got a movie in their stocking - Veggie Tales Jonah & Bedtime Stories. Owen got a truck and Jack got a container of frogs and lizards from Toys For Tots.

And what's a stocking with candy! Twix to be exact, or as Jack calls them...chocolate fingers!

Ella Bean (another one of her nicknames) was so cute just holding her stocking. I had to help her get her treats out.

She got two containers of puffs - Blueberry and Strawberry Apple. They aren't Gerber they are the Albertson's brand and so far she doesn't like them! :(

By this time I was ready for the Christmas festivities to be's exhausting!

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