Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ella Update!

I thought I should do an update on what's new with Ella so here goes...

- Ella is seriously the most content baby EVER! She barely ever cries. I'll go into get her from her nap thinking I'm going to wake her up, but then I open the door and she's just hanging out in her crib just waiting for me...patiently. She'll be laying there just kicking and smiling. Seriously she rocks!

- After taking her first steps the other day she's now taking on average about 4 or 5 steps every time she tries to walk. She's all about practicing so she does this quite a bit during the day. She's also transferring a lot more from the coffee table to the couch or the table to a person.

- Ella can now get into a standing position with out pulling herself up using anything. She just stands up by pushing herself off the floor.

- She's been babbling a lot more. We're pretty sure she is saying the word, "Bubba" for brother because we call the boys that all the time. In the morning after she nurses she'll start saying, "Baba baba" and that's usually the time the boys come into our room. Also the other day at Fred Meyer's the boys were in the play area and she started saying it again and it was like she was wondering where they were.

- Not sure if I've blogged about this before, but Ella has talked twice before this. Once when I told her to say 'night night' to Michael before bed. She waved and said, "nigh nigh". I was shocked, but Michael heard it too. The other time was when we were leaving a restaurant after eating with my parents. I was trying to get Ella to say 'bye bye' and she wouldn't so I started walking out with her and then she said, "bu bye".

- Ella knows two signs, but she does them her own little way. For 'more' instead of putting her hands together she bangs her hands on her tray. For 'all done' she does a wave kind of like the Queen with one hand.

- About 2 weeks ago we had to put the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs when I found Ella on the 9th stair! Scary!

- Ella is now eating pretty much anything. She usually eats whatever we have and then I'll give her some baby food just because it's more watery and she's not taking a sippy cup yet. The other day she even ate chicken out of our fajitas and some of the red pepper! I hope she keeps up with this eating good thing!

- Ella is still sleeping like a champ - 2 naps during the day each about 2 1/2 hrs long and then sleeping 12 hours a night.

- Oh and as for the picture above this is Ella's newest phase. She loves to point with her finger and then she hisses really softly. It's really cute! Today I've been asking her how old she is and then when she points I get all excited and say, "Yes you're 1!" I'm just getting her ready since *gasp* her first birthday is only a month and a half away!

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