Saturday, January 8, 2011

Meet Logan!

This is Logan! Her mommy had to go back to work this week and she asked me if I would mind watching her 3 days a week. I immediately felt good about the whole situation when I was reading her email. I just knew this would be fun! Logan will be 3 months old in just a couple of days so she's still in that newborn phase where she sleeps a bunch. She's been a pretty content baby too....she just gets gassy and that's no fun at all.

One of the main reasons I decided to take on this responsibility is because Ella is such a content baby. She doesn't want to be held all the time. She wants to nurse and get down and play. She's very independent! The 3 days I have watched Logan so far have been great! There was one time where I was nursing Ella and Logan woke up and wanted her bottle, but she just had to wait a few minutes until I could get to her. The boys were so cute...they kept bring her toys trying to make her happy! I remember them doing the same thing with Ella when she was that age.

So far Jack is just smitten with her...he LOVES babies! Ella doesn't really seem to mind seeing mommy hold another baby so that's good. Owen is still trying to figure this whole arrangement out. The first day I watched Logan she had to come to MOPS with us so Michael got her strapped into the van and then Owen breathed in really fast and said, "Mommy....Miss Jen forgot Logan!" He was so was adorable! I've had to explain that we are watching Logan for Miss Jen while she works and that she comes back after work to pick her up. So now he explains the situation to me and says, "Miss Jen always comes back!"

I don't have nearly the amount of free time I had before, but it's okay. One thing that's come out of this that I didn't expect was how much more aware I am of my time with my kids. I want to make sure this doesn't effect them in a negative way. They are the reason I stay at home and they are my priority. At the same time I've been having so much fun getting to know Logan and reliving that newborn phase.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have a friend with a son named Logan! He's named after Wolverine. Is she named after Wolverine too?
