Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Bed & Our Little Supervisor!

Last Saturday the boys spent the night at Ga-Ga & Pa's house so Michael and I could put together a surprise for the boys. It was also super nice for us to have time with just Ella. She's had alone Mama time, but she's very rarely had alone Daddy time.

On Saturday night we started working on the boys surprise and Ella was right there supervising!

She was really interested in the tools and tried her very best to get her hands on them.

Hmmmm....I'm not sure these look quite right Daddy!

Here let me show you!

That's better!

We only put part of the bed together on Saturday night and then we finished on Sunday. We did encounter a few hiccups along the way, but Michael was able to figure it out.

Here are a few before pictures of the boys rooms....the storybook corner.

Owen's bed!

Jack's toddler bed

The new look....this is right when you walk in the door. The corner where toy box is used to be where Owen's twin bed was. The twin bed coming out from the wall is Jack's new twin big boy bed. We put the bed rail on the other side of the bed because there is a baseboard heater on that side so we couldn't put the bed flush with the wall and we don't want him to fall off and hit himself on the corner of the heater. He's already fallen out from the other side, but it's not really that much higher than his toddler bed was.

This used to be the storybook corner. Owen gets the top bunk for now. The dresser drawers under the bed is being used as there daily clothes drawer. Yesterday I went through and picked out the boys clothes for the whole week....so I can just grab those clothes in the morning and don't have to spend time picking them out everyday.

This is the cute clubhouse under Owen's bed. I put a lamp in there I got for free at MOPS Care & Share. The boys LOVE having their own lamp. After I took this picture Michael mounted the magnet board on the wall. I have letter and number magnets, but I'd like to get them some other cool ones like animals or something. This is the type of bed where I could put Jack's bed in this nook so the bed unit would look like a 'T'. Their room is so big though I thought it would be fun to give them this little space....that and I was sure if I put the bed under there Owen would be jumping from his bed down onto Jack's all the time!

When Ga-Ga & Pa brought the kids home on Sunday night we had dinner first and then we took them upstairs to show them the surprise. They were so happy...we'll Owen was for sure...Jack was little grumpy, but we are all sick with colds so I think that might have contributed to it.

Owen loves climbing up and down from his bed. Yesterday I found out that he has used the drawer knobs to climb up instead of his ladder so we did had to lay a few ground rules for the bunk bed. Such as no throwing books from the bunk bed and no scraping the popcorn off the ceiling...ahhh boys!!!

Jack on his new big boy bed!

Happy boy!

Thanks Ga-Ga & Pa for getting the boys their beds for their birthdays and watching them for us!

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