Wednesday, February 16, 2011

She's 365 Days Old!!!

Remember City Slickers? The mom calls Billy Crystal's character Mitch every year at the time of his birth and says something like, "Your 456 months today!" I really don't measure Ella's age in days...I just thought it might be funny! :) baby girl is 1 year old today! How can it be?

Right now Ella...

- Is walking around like a champ...she's even tried to run a couple of times.

- Loves to be chased or gotten. If I say, "I'm gonna get you!" she turns around and takes off. She also loves it when I tell her to "put 'em up" and then pretend to box with her. She laughs and laughs!

- Is really into carrying everything around. It's not enough to master walking...oh she must master walking and carrying at the same time. Her favorite thing to carry for a while was the full container of baby wipes, but now it's pretty much anything she can get her hands on.

- Still loves sleep, but she also likes to be busy and hates to miss out on the action so now she cries when I take her bed. She only fusses for a minute or so and then it's off to dreamland. She's still taking 2 naps a day. Her second nap is totally dependant upon how well her first nap is...if she has a bad morning nap, her afternoon nap will be pretty much nonexistent. Doesn't make sense to me, but that's how it is! She is still super content when she wakes up and will most of the time just hang out until I go in and get her.

- Is eating everything! She loves chicken, beef, tuna, bread, veggies, fruits, dessert, cereal, pasta, potatoes...etc! You name it she'll eat it!

- Has 8 teeth....4 on top and 4 on bottom.

-She has started to do the motions for blowing kisses...she pats her mouth over and over again with her hand.

- She can climb up the stairs all the way to the top...with me behind her. It takes a L O N G time, but she makes it.

- Is still nursing 5 times a day and showing no signs of quiting anytime soon. I have started giving her a sippy everyday, but she really doesn't know what she's supposed to do with it. She just recently started saying, "Ba ba" when I sit her in my lap when it's time to nurse.

- Got so excited to see me last night when I came home from running some errands that she clapped over and over again.

It seriously seems unreal to me that my baby girl is 1 years old. She has been such a wonderful blessing to all of us!

Love you Ella Grace!!!

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