Friday, March 25, 2011

Bomber Jackets!

The same day Ga-Ga & Pa brought GG over they also brought a surprise for the kids. After the announcement that Boeing got the tanker deal they gave the employees a really good discount at the company store. So Pa bought the kids new bomber jackets. Well Jack's wasn't new since he could just fit into Owen's old one, but Ga-Ga did wrap it up so it's was like new to him.

Ohh...what's in there???

What's that?

Pa even got a cute pink one for Ella. It was the smallest size, but it's still huge so she'll probably fit into it next fall/winter. She was taking her nap when the boys opened it so she missed out on the reveal. Thanks Pa for the cool bomber jackets...the boys will be wearing them on Saturday when we come down.

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