Saturday, March 5, 2011


On Monday we spent Daddy's last day home running errands and we took the kids bowling for the first time. A while back I had bought vouchers off Groupon and got a great deal. We were saving them for a time when we could go on a date with just the boys, but it worked out great bringing Ella.

Of course Owen's first time up to the lane he walked too far over and almost slipped on his bum...thankfully Daddy was there to catch him.

After explaining don't go over the line he got to throw his first ball.

We brought the stroller in so Ella could eat snacks and have a good view.

Watching and waiting to see the pins fall. It's was so funny watching their balls s...l...o...w...l...y go down the lane! :)

It's been years since Michael and I have bowled, but Michael did get one strike and a spare!

I got a couple the time we were done my arm was starting to really hurt and I was only throwing a 9lb ball! Sheesh!

There was definitely some tension in the air! Hahaha!

While Michael and I bowled the boys had to stay on the black and white floor.

It was fun seeing the boys cheer for us and each other. It seems like most other games we have played Owen will get mad when we do good. Poor loser I guess, but with bowling everyone was happy that everyone was having fun!

After a while Ella girl was ready to get out. She was still getting over a cold and her left eye was starting to swell. Later on in the day it started having goopy stuff coming out of it. Poor baby girl!

When Michael or I weren't holding her she was having fun pushing the balls around.

The final scores....Owen 56 - Jack 22 - Me 103 - Michael 117. It was a really fun way to spend a little over and hour and we were seriously the only ones in the bowling alley actually bowling. I think we're definitely going to be taking the kids and doing this again soon.

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