Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crazy Day!

Yes, I am in fact still alive here...I was just taking an unplanned blog hiatus. That's what happens when your whole life gets consumed with reading Harry Potter during your limited free time! I'm on the last book now and I can't wait to finish. I've really enjoyed them and I usually don't get into fictional books at all.

Anyways...a week ago on Tuesday we had a pretty crazy day that I thought I'd blog about. First off I need to explain that when I watch Logan she is usually sleeping when her mom drops her off. On Mondays and Tuesdays when we go places in the morning I just strap Logan into the van (in the garage of course) and turn the radio on for her and then a little while after that we leave. We'll on this particular Monday I strapped her in, but I didn't end up going to Bible study since it was the day after my brother's wedding and we were pooped and my parents were bringing GG over for a visit before she left. So Logan sat in the van with the radio on for 3 hours. The next morning her mom put her into the van for me and Michael turned on the radio for her. It was a MOPS day so we would be heading out in a little while. A little bit later I went out to the van to put some of stuff in there for MOPS and I noticed the lights were really dim...yep the battery was dead!!! I didn't really think about it when I put her in there on Monday that 3 hours was quite a long time. Silly me!

I would normally have just decided to stay home from MOPS, but on this particular Tuesday I was in charge of our opening activity and the craft so I really needed to be there. So I call my friend Kim since she has a Honda Odyssey that can seat 8 people. She had to wait for her husband Micah to get home so he could put the 8th seat in and then she was on her way over. I'm still not sure how it worked out...God of course...but the fact that we fit 6...yes 6 car seats in the van is a miracle!!!

I wish I had gotten another picture that showed it a little better than this, but in the back row Andrew's head is on the the middle is Ella's infant car seat and on the left is Logan's. Getting two infant car seats right next to each other is quite a feat! Kim was praying while I was putting them in the van. In the middle is Jack, Owen and than Josiah's car seat. In order to get the kids out in the back I had to take Jack's car seat completely out so the seat would fold down and roll forward. There are a couple amazing things that happened during this...first off Logan slept through the whole thing and we were actually on time! Seriously it was only God! I wouldn't know what I would do without Him and good friends...thanks Kim!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a crazy day! Glad it all worked out!

    Harry Potter is next on my list! We are going on vacation soon, and I wanted a goos fun series. Think I'll go to the library today :- ) After you're done, you HAVE to read The Hunger Games series. I am on the last of three books. It's similar to Harry Potter, in that it's meant for kids, but very fun and easy to read for adults.
