Thursday, March 3, 2011

MOPS Slumber Party

During the week of midwinter break our MOPS group had a daytime slumber party. The kids got to come dressed in their pajamas with their blankets and pillows and we watched Tow Mater's Tall Tales. We also got to eat lots of food....wheat thins, veggies, grapes, pizza and cookies.

The boys were so engrossed in the movie! Since it's short we ended up watching it about 2 1/2 times!

Miss Kim with Baby Josiah!
Ella was sick that day so she stayed home with Daddy. Logan and Josiah get to see each other 2 days a week at Bible study and MOPS. Kim and I have set them facing each other a couple times since Logan doesn't really like tummy time all that much. At least it gives her someone to look at on her level. Right before I took this picture she rolled over for the first time ever....thankfully I had the camera so I grabbed it, put Logan back on her tummy and filmed the second time she rolled over so her mommy and daddy got to see it.

Miss Tricia and Aaron....Miss Tricia was the one that planned the whole slumber party and she did a great was definitely a blast!

Miss Wendy and Nikoli enjoying themselves!
This is pretty much how Owen was the whole time!

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