Thursday, May 5, 2011

Days Like This!

Yesterday sucked! Just keepin' it real!

I think the lack of hormones has finally hit me and the fact that it was the first real back to normal day for me.

Since it was laundry day I tackled the maternity clothes in the closet. I did it after I put Ella down for her morning nap when I knew that Logan would be waking up soon. I didn't have time to dwell on it or ponder what could have been. After that I pretty much felt like crap though...emotionally.

I'm also dealing with the fact that I'm not pregnant, but still look a little pregnant and I have no baby to nurse to help me lose weight so I won't look pregnant. Clothes right now are an issue!

Yesterday I overdid it too....I did all the laundry and put it away and I also lugged out the two bins of maternity clothes and put them away in the garage. Probably not a good idea now that I'm thinking about it.

I know that God is still good and, but I'm finding it hard for my attitude to fall in line with that thought. I'm still not mad at God...I am mad at the situation and I know that's okay. I really did like my happy feelings though that I was having for a couple days. This grumpy, emotional stuff really stinks. I know that it's a normal part of grieving so I need to go through it. I'm hoping I get out of this funk soon though!

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