Friday, May 27, 2011

FlyLady - Day 2

This is something I already do. I am just one of those woman that can't stand to sit around in my lounge clothes all day. I HAVE to get up in the morning, take a shower, put make-up on, get dressed and do my hair. I have to do that for myself, my kids and my husband. I quickly realized that it would be VERY easy to fall into the never getting dressed up and presentable pit after becoming a stay at home mom. I mean seriously you are so sleep deprived and heck you only put your newborn baby in sleepers so why should you get out of your pajamas either. With that being said I really want my husband to come home to a well put together person. I want my kids to see me respecting myself and them by being the best me.

Every morning I wake up before the kids and get showered. It is just something that works for me. I love that alone time to myself to get my make-up on with out the ankle biters running around me and me having to say things like please don't get into my lotion again. I'm not saying we don't have pajama days, but they are definitely few and far between. I also refuse to go to the store in sweat pants or any form of lounge clothes period! I just won't do it...not that I haven't tried, but my conscience gets the best of me and I end up running upstairs and putting on jeans!

Here's me yesterday all dressed and make-up upped!

One of things I realized about a year ago is that I HAVE to put my shoes on. I was always walking around barefoot and there are SO many things you can't do if you don't have your shoes on...go get the mail, go grab a toy that was left outside, head out to the garage with the freezing cold cement floor. Okay maybe you can do those things, but you can make an excuse not to if you don't have your shoes on. Now I wear my shoes all day! It really does motivate me to get more excuses right!

So go ahead Get Dressed To Lace Up slip them on in my case. BTW these are the shoes I bought when I went to 4 different Wal-Mart's last Saturday....LOVE THEM!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is probably one of the best things that I admire about you!!! I support your opinion on getting dressed and ready each and every day!! I see too many stay at home moms that put themselves last and dont' respect themselves enough to get out of sweatpants! AMEN!! :)
