Tuesday, May 17, 2011

MOPS Play Date!

Today was a WONDERFUL day! It felt almost normal! It was just what I needed. Last week I had been going through old pictures and I noticed some from a play date that we had at our house and it made me sad because I hadn't had a play date for a LONG time. I think I just got used to having Michael home and having his help. So I decided to have a MOPS play date with all the Care Group Leaders. Unfortunately it was pretty short notice and only 2 ladies could come, but it was so much fun!

Kim and Tricia came with their kiddos and the kids played and then we had lunch and dessert and then played some more. The kids got along great and the weather couldn't have been better!!! Yay for sun!

Tricia sure got her workout today trying to keep up with Aaron! Our backyard isn't fenced. Our kids know the rules about where to go and where not to go, but it's always hard for other kids because they just want to explore! I'm sure Aaron had a great nap today and I bet Tricia wished she got one! :)

I didn't realize how much Jack and Ella have the same eyes until I saw this picture!

Kim and I had this discussion today about the boys and how we thought that Jack and Andrew would be really good friends because they are only 3 weeks apart, but they aren't as close as Owen and Andrew are. I'm currently reading The Birth Order book and these two first-borns sure do get along and enjoy each other. I'm wondering if Jack and Josiah will end up being closer since they are both second children...only time will tell.

Kim with baby Siah...he was not himself today. He has a cold and yucky eye boogers! Poor baby...at least he wasn't cranky though!

After cookies it was time for me to work them off by pushing these cute boys. They had a good time, but Jack isn't as keen being on the tire swing. When he was done Aaron got on for about a half a push before he decided he would rather roam around and discover more stuff in the yard.

Owen and Andrew enjoyed going on the swing the longest! I think they could have been on there all day.

During this time Ella Bean was enjoying her cookies and getting really messy! Par for the course!

Then it was time to go and what's a goodbye hug without a goodbye tackle! I really needed today! I need to just have friends and fun all together. Thank you Tricia & Kim for coming over and hanging out with us! Can't wait to do it again!

1 comment:

  1. We had fun too! Thanks for hosting us, feeding us, and taking great pictures! :) Andrew enjoyed looking at all the pictures with me.
