Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Playing Together!

Two weekends ago I got this toy at my MOPS Rummage Sale. I had forgotten that it was in Michael's car and didn't remember to ask Michael to take it out until this weekend.

I brought it upstairs and just waited for the kids to see it. They all got interested in it at once, but thankfully since there are openings on all sides they could all play with it at the same time.

They seriously played with this together without fighting for about 10 minutes....miracles do happen!

Side Note: Owen is SO observant...there are keys that go with each door and they are the same color of the door. Owen was playing with it by himself later and he asked, "Mama where does the white key go?" I hadn't even noticed it had a white turns out it's a master key that will open every door. He's so smart!

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