Thursday, May 19, 2011

Reading And Procrastination!

A couple weeks ago I was reading my friend Melody's blog and she mentioned this book 'Have A New Kid By Friday' and I knew I should probably put a hold on it at the library and read it. Having said that I have at least 5 or 6 books either sitting on my nightstand or in the cabinet in the office that I've said the same thing about and have they been read yet? Nope!!! I have one book imparticular that my friend Kim gave me at least 2 years ago that I haven't even cracked open. I am such a procrastinator when it comes to reading things concerning life application. A true crime novel...a fictional vampire tale...a fictional wizardry story...heck I can read those in no time flat, but the stuff that might actually help me grow and get some new skills I just push to the back burner.

At my first session with my therapist she did read a little from this book called 'The Birth Order Book' and it was really good. It really opened my eyes to the reasoning and way Owen sees the world since he is a first born child. I told Kim that I really wanted to either buy it or get it from the library, but a few days later Kim and her husband Micah were helping sort items for our MOPS Rummage Sale and she came across an old version of the book...score!

I've been trying to set myself up on a reading schedule so I can hold myself accountable and maybe accomplish something. Michael plays WOW on Tuesday's and Thursday's so I've made those my reading nights....and here I sit blogging about it and guess's a Thursday! I did read some during the day when all the kids were napping so that's good.

Anyway in 'The Birth Order Book' he mentions another book he wrote called 'Making Your Children Mind Without Losing Yours'. I thought that since I feel like I'm losing my mind most days I should probably go pick that up. The other night when I had to run errands I went to the library and tried to look it up on their computer. Of course I ended up butchering the name of the book so it wouldn't come up, but I did remember the authors name...Leman. So I looked it up that way and guess what was the first book on the list....'Have A New Kid By Friday'. Since I have an older copy of 'The Birth Order Book' I think that that 'Making Your Children Mind Without Losing Yours' might be an older book and that the Friday book is probably newer. Long story short I have the Friday book on hold and I can't wait to pick it up.

I have organized the books that I need to read in order of importance....

(If this is necessary after reading the Friday book)

I also want to read some biographies and autobiographies...I have one on Laura Bush and my mom and dad have some on other influential people that I'd like to read. Thankfully most of the shows I like to watch are done for the summer so TV really isn't an issue right now. What's on your reading list?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Read "Have a New Kid by Friday" ASAP! You will be so happy you did. It is such easy reading, and has a reference section in the back, for every issue you will face in parenting. The other book you mentioned, about not losing your mind, is an older book. I think the new kid book, has many of the same principles.

    We've noticed the biggest changes in Elliott's behavior. Norah has made changes as well, but she is still 3 and very head strong, so I have to be a little more creative. I could go on for hours about the issues that we've dealt with, with Elliott. Lots of uncontrollable, screaming tantrums, that really stemmed from anxiety, and our inconsistent parenting was certainly not helping that! There's a lot of stuff that's gone on this year, that has been under the surface, that I just haven't felt like delving into on the blog. His behavior had gotten so beyond me, that we started taking him to a children's therapist. She's actually the one who recommended the book. He is so much more calm and relaxed now...he's even napping again! Praise Jesus!

    Be prepared for your kids to turn into the worst version of themselves for the first few days. I think I got hit in the face multiple times, by each kid for at least the first two days. It's gotta get worse, before it gets better : - ) If you can get Michael on board, it would be super helpful if he read the book too. I tried to explain it to Corbin, but him reading the book really helped us to both be on the same page. It's still a process. Their behavior is not perfect...they're still kids. But the biggest difference is we're not feeling exasperated and overwhelmed anymore. We're not yelling, and losing our tempers. The whole atmosphere of our house is so much more peaceful.

    Shepherding a Child's heart has been sitting in my reading pile for 18 months! I've started to read it many times, but it is not a quick read. I still hope to read it one day soon.

    I hope you've enjoyed MY book. Geesh!
