Monday, May 2, 2011

Refreshingly Normal!

When this posts on my blog I'll be about a half an hour away from having surgery. Surgery that will help me continue down the road of mourning/healing.

Yesterday the weather was so nice we couldn't just stay at once the kids woke up from their naps and we had dinner we went out to a park in Burien. Michael works in this area and awhile back he had noticed this really nice park and wanted to take the kids there.

Ella is still a bit leery of actually playing on the equipment so she did what she does best...wander around!

There was a bigger play set for older kids and then a smaller one for little kids. The boys played with both of them, but Jack preferred the smaller one. He gets really nervous about heights.

I actually got a chance to get all three of them in one shot and it wasn't even planned.

The one above was the best, but Ella looked SO precious in one of the other shots I just zoomed in on those pouty lips!!!

After playing for a little bit the boys wanted to explore. We saw this path so we followed it. It switched back and forth down this hill. You could watch the airplanes landing from it.

When we got to the bottom there was another trail that you could take back up through the woods. This is Owen saying, "Shhh...there's monsters in here!"

When we got back up to the park it was time to play for a little bit longer.

This is probably Ella's 3rd or 4th time on a swing. She was so the time I took her out she was almost completely sunk inside the swing! She's such a lazy relaxed girl!

Jack is still getting used to going on the big boy swings. He prefers the baby swings!

Owen LOVES to swing! Michael was trying to teach him to pump his legs so he could swing himself and toward the ends he was actually gaining speed a little. After this it was time to go...the boys didn't eat at dinnertime so they were starting to get cranky. It was such a normal family outing and it felt great!

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