Saturday, June 11, 2011

FlyLady - Day 15

Day 15 - Make Your Bed!

So obviously I have already started to adapt more FlyLady routines than I should have been. I can't even remember when I first heard about the making your bed every morning part, but it was early on and I just started doing it. I'm kind of thinging that when you go through the Getting Started part of FlyLady you should probably just ignore the emails all together. It would definitely help you stick to the Baby Steps concept a little bit better.

Like I said yesterday, making my bed is the first thing I do every morning. Literally I roll out of bed turn around and pull the sheet and comforter over and then walk around to Michael's side of the bed and do the same thing. Thankfully we aren't crazy sleepers so our bed is really pretty neat in the morning so it's easy to make. This picture was my bed on Friday morning and you can see my load of laundry for the day. I set it on the bed so when I get up from my chair I walk to the bed pick it up and take it downstairs. Oh yeah and the weather has gotten a bit better since you can see we don't have our Afghan on the bed anymore.

Friday was a crazy day at our house with a WIC Appt in the morning, then grocery shopping, and then my counseling appt in the afternoon and we watched my friend Erin's I didn't get a chance to declutter anything and I'm bummed about it. That is probably my favorite of all the FlyLady tasks since you can see such big results. I also didn't get to complete my mission which was to sweep and mop my kitchen floor. We are having Jack's party on Sunday so I will probably take some time later today to sweep the downstairs and mop the whole floor since our downstairs is all laminate floors.

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