Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Today Jack is 3 years old!

He was my baby for so long and he loved that role that it's been hard for him to come out of it. He just recently started calling himself a big boy rather than a little boy. He is in the process of learning a bunch of new things...the alphabet, opening doors and putting on his socks and shoes are the most prominent ones right now.

He has had some regression in regards to potty training, but it's getting better. It's an ebb and flow kind of thing. He has started asking to sleep in just his undies rather than Pull-Ups. When Owen did that it wasn't long before he was not wetting the bed anymore. I do believe we are going to invest in some rubber sheets so he doesn't ruin his mattress though.

Jack is my most imaginative child. He loves to pretend play! He can get SO wrapped up in movies and his characters. He still loves Buzz & Woody the most. He is quite fond of Madagascar and that is the theme of his birthday party next Sunday.

Jack is still my snuggly boy...he loves to lay on my lap and have me scratch his back. He also loves to sleep with his "babies"...Elmo, Grover, Cookie Monster and his 'No-No''s a classic Pooh Bear head with one of those blankie things.

Jack is a classic second child! He loves his older brother SO much that sometimes I think he wants to be Owen. In fact most of the time he argues with us when we tell him his name starts with 'J' he wants his name to start with an 'O'. At the same time he LOVES to drive Owen up the wall. He has this smirk on his face the whole time Owen is screaming in frustration, anger or pain. He truly takes pleasure in it and I should know since I was the second child myself! I LOVED to drive my older brother crazy too!

He still loves Ella like he did the day she was born. They actually play really well together most of the time. As long as Ella doesn't try to take the toy he's playing with.

I remember when I was pregnant with Jack, I prayed that he would be strong-willed and able to stand up for himself and not get run over by Owen's prominent personality and boy did that prayer get answered. He is so strong-willed!

Jackers...Mommy loves you so much. I love that your silliness can bring a smile to my face even when I'm down. I love that you are quick to say, "Ah nuts!" if something goes wrong and then just move on. I love that you still are super clumsy and fall down all the time, but you always pick yourself back up. Every morning you want me to pick you up and carry you into the bathroom and I love it! I love those morning snuggles with you. I can't believe you are 3 years really are getting to be a big boy!

Love you buddy!

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