Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jack's 3 Year Check Up!

At Jack's 3 year appt he got to have his blood pressure taken for the first time and they tried to give him an eye exam. He was being so goofy he wouldn't cooperate. Owen did the same thing at his appt though. I'm not worried since I never see him squinting or sitting too close to the TV. We are going to be taking Jack to an occupational therapist since he is behind in some of those fine motor skills like eating with a fork and opening a door. I'm excited to see how they work with him and how I can start helping him improve his skills.

He's such a ham!

This is what we do at the Dr' snacks and draw on the paper sheets!

Cute little cheesers!

Look new book!

Sitting in the car checking out his new book.

One of the funny things about this appt is that Owen was getting super nervous on the way to the Dr's thinking HE was getting a shot. I had to explain that we were all going to the Dr's, but Jack was the only one being seen and Jack was the one getting the shot. Jack was SO excited that HE was getting something that Owen didn't get. Then when the Dr. came in he looked at Jack's chart and realized that he didn't need any....Jack said, "But I want a shot!" Silly guy!

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