Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It's been a while since I did an update on the kiddos so here goes...

Owen is turning into a little adult! He is quite opinionated and likes things to be done a certain way...mainly HIS way! Lately he has been pushing the boundaries and he is finding that they are still there. He has gotten a bit more freedom though...the bubble IS getting bigger, but it's not gone! Right now Owen is quite challenging for me. He is not really good at keeping himself entertained and his idea of entertainment is TV or the computer. I try to limit those so it gets frustrating when he asks to play on the computer or watch a movie about 30 times a day. Really it's exhausting! We are looking into more outside of the home activities to keep him entertained...maybe that will help. He's just like me when I was little...I could not entertain myself at all!

The biggest update on Jack is he's currently going to Occupational Therapy. When I took him in for his 3 year check up I told the Dr about some concerns I was having with him not being able to do some things. Things like...opening a door, putting on or taking off his clothes, opening the frig, preferring to eat with his hands and so on. So we've gone twice now to OT and he's already improving. He is now opening the frig and putting on and taking off his clothes with more ease. He just needs to get a little more self confidences and he needs to build up and learn to use his muscles in his hands and arms. In regards to potty training...I have just given up! He is potty trained, but at the same time he's not. He totally understands what he's supposed to do he just chooses not to do it. He wears undies all day and chooses to pee in them. I've gotten to the point where I just refuse to change him out of the undies. I only get one pair of undies and pants a day so that's all he gets. At nap time he wears undies and can keep them dry. At night time he wears a Pull-Up because he's such a hard sleeper. I ask him if he likes wearing wet undies and pants and he says, "yeah!" Oh my goodness!!!

Ella Bean is turning into an even bigger drama queen. In fact on Sunday at church she had her first meltdown in public. I just let her lay on the floor until she was ready to get up and then she took my hand (she was refusing too...hence the meltdown) and we walked out of church. At her check up last week she weighed in at 23lb 13oz, by far the biggest of all my babies at this age. She is still loving food and sleep. After I wrote that huge post about our daily lives she started scaling back to one nap more often. Most days she will take a short nap in the morning and then a longer one in the afternoon. Ella isn't speaking much, she says a handful of words, but she really is using her sign language so that does help with her frustration level.

1 comment:

  1. Can Owen read? Is he able to grasp reading yet? I just wonder if he would enjoy reading as much as Michael does. That would keep him away from the TV and computer! Except on the computer he could read... hmm...
