Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Garage Sale AKA The Death Of Me!

I'm back!

Let's just say that a 3 day garage sale is never actually just 3 days! There were two other days of organizing all the stuff beforehand, but thankfully we sold a TON so once it was over it didn't take that much time to put what was left away. 

Here's what my driveway looked like on Friday morning. Did I tell you there were 7 families involved! That equals a lot of stuff!

We tried to put everything in the driveway so the kids could still play in the garage and be near us. On Friday it was a bit overwhelming...my SIL Becky was here with her 2 girls and my friend Erin was here with her son and daughter and then of course there were my 3 kiddos! That's 7 kids and 3 adults, people...and did I mention we were trying to have a garage sale. I was SO thankful to have their help though!

On Friday all the neighbors came out to see what goodies they could find and our neighbor girls thought it would be a good idea to use the traffic coming to our sale to make some money of their own.

Saturday was the exact opposite of Friday. We still had kids there...only 5 this time, but Michael was home, Ga-Ga & GG came over and Erin's parents were there too. That's 8 adults and 5 kids....much better! The only thing was it was such a nice day that almost no one was out garage saling. It was such a slow day.

One of the things we thought to do since we were so busy and couldn't play with the boys very much was we gave them each a special toy. These were toys that we had had stashed for a while and were just waiting for the right opportunity. Owen got Tow Mater's Tall Tales.

Jack got a new Woody and Buzz that make noise...don't be fooled by the face...he loves them!

And Evil Emperor ZURG!!!

To end the garage sale and get rid of more stuff Sunday was 1/2 price day. Everything over a $1 was half off (unless it was something that had a special tag on it) and then we had special deals like 5 for a 1 on kids clothes. All in all we sold a ton! Our garage sale brought in over $500 and I made over $300! I'm SO glad it's over!!!

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