Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So it's been a while since I've updated! That was due to the fact that I had an absolutely excellent weekend with 3 of my girl friends. We were together from Friday night until Sunday afternoon and it was absolutely GLORIOUS!

We had this girls weekend planned for months and I'm so glad we didn't let life derail it! We literally talked for 7 straight hours on Friday night / Saturday morning. We were up until 3am!!! I figured that 7 hours of uninterrupted conversations actually equaled a month if not more of trying to have a conversation when kids are around.

While we were together we also did more than just talk! We worked on crafting projects...mostly scrapbooking. My parents were so gracious and let us use their house while they were away. The whole weekend we never once turned the TV on nor did we ever get on the Internet. It was BLISS I tell you!

It was such a joy to share, laugh, and just be with other friends that are at the same point in their lives. We talked about marriage, faith, kids, husbands, trials, suffering, love, and triumphs. We couldn't have had a better time! I know that I came away feeling refreshed and re-energized and ready to do it again...soon!

Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us use your house and to all the husbands that took on what we tackle every day...trust me us wives are grateful! :)

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