Sunday, October 2, 2011

MOPS Crafts - Name Tags & ER Kits

This year I am the Creative Activity Coordinator at my MOPS group. I love doing crafts so this fits me perfectly! I spent a lot of time this summer scouring the Internet looking for ideas. I came across this idea and decided that it would work perfectly for our name tags. The church had a never-ending supply of frozen juice lids so that was a plus. My friend Kim had a die-cut that was the perfect size circle so cutting out the pretty patterned paper for the background was SO easy.

All the ladies go to choose the paper and stickers they wanted and decorate them. Then I took them home and put a layer of Mod Podge on them. This is like resin so the name tags have a little bit more classy look and they won't get all messed up if you spill your coffee on yourself.

For my name tag I had Michael drill a hole and then I put ribbon through it to make it a necklace. When I first introduce this craft at MOPS and the ladies decorated them a new mom to our group Allie asked me if she could bring her metal die-cut clamp thing to punch the holes. Absolutely!! This made the hole cutting WAY easier and the hole isn't nearly as rough.

Last year we decided that we didn't want all the crafts to be for ourselves. We really wanted to reach out and help others as well. So we decided to make ER Kits. They include 2 coloring sheets, 3 crayons, stickers and a sucker. Also we put a postcard in with information about MOPS and an email address if they'd like to send in a prayer request. Our MOPS Coordinator knows a lady who works at the Highline ER so she is going to take those and hand them out to kids when they come in.

This year I have a craft project planned for every meeting!!! I also just got introduced to Pinterest so I'm sure I'll be finding a lot more ideas to use in the upcoming years.

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