Sunday, January 8, 2012

In His Hands!

Remember back in December when I rearranged the kids rooms around? Well here is what Ella's room looks like now. See that baseboard heater behind the rocking horse? Ella's bed used to face the other way so part of her bed was by the heater. We never really thought anything of it until the other day when I was changing her sheets.

That's when I noticed this discoloration on her bed and...

the burn marks on her mattress!

Seriously I felt like my stomach came up in my throat when I saw this. I immediately called Michael in to have a second opinion on what I was seeing. One of the first things he said was, "Praise God He was looking out for her!" I couldn't have said it better. God was absolutely looking out for our baby girl!!


  1. oh wow! praise the Lord nothing happened. So glad you moved the bed when you did.

  2. And this isn't the first time. Makes me wonder what God has in store for her that has the devil so worried...hmmmm!

  3. God's mercies never cease to amaze me!!
