Wednesday, January 18, 2012

They Have The Coolest Dad!

After working almost a full day what does he come home and do for his boys? Why build them an igloo of course!!!

There is an episode of Curious George that the boys have seen over and over where George builds an igloo with a friend. Ever since seeing it they've wanted to build one. The snow was perfect packing snow so Michael used one of his old 5 gallon paint buckets and got started.

These boys loved being outside with their Daddy playing and helping.

That's one big igloo!

Here it is after Daddy rounded out some of the edges and filled in all the cracks with snow. Michael said that it was actually starting to get quite warm inside while he was working. In fact when he was inside I was calling his name and he couldn't even hear that's insulation! Now I just hope the rain holds off long enough so the boys can play in it tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool! I love how Jacks hat is covering his eyes in that pic. Your boys are so cute!
