Thursday, January 5, 2012

Today Is The Day....

We WON'T find out the gender of the baby! :)

I'm still sticking to my guns and don't want to find out. I really want to be surprised this time around. We have FINALLY settled on names though! Such a relief!

I'm gonna be a stinker and not tell the names. A few people know the names we've chosen so it's not a complete secret, but I think it would be fun to announce the name when the baby is born.

I will say that both names we've chosen start with the letter 'Z' so we are referring to the baby as Baby Z. We did that with Owen...he was Baby O since he was either going to be an Owen or an Olivia.

I also find that it's quite fitting to use the last letter of the alphabet since this is our last baby. We've reached the end people!

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