Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ella's Quiet Book AKA What I Can Do in 24 Hours!

On Thursday night I found this idea on Pinterest. I had been wanting to make a quiet book for Ella for some time, but had never really seen one that didn't absolutely make me feel completely inadequate when it came to sewing. This one seemed doable though and I had just been given a TON of felt. Also I figured this would be a great thing for us to take on the plane when we go visit family in Wyoming later this summer.

Here is the front cover which is funny that I'm showing to you first since it's was actually the last thing I sewed. I used my Big Shot die cutting machine to cut the flowers on the front cover.

Here's the first two pages. Flowers (also cut out with the Big Shot) that can be picked.

Side note: See the dark spot in the lower left corner. Yep new camera and it's still there. After playing around with the camera a bit I am almost positive that there is nothing wrong with it except it's a bad design. I honestly think it's a shadow from the flash because of where the flash is located on the camera. I need to call Panasonic this week and talk to them about it. Lame I know!  

Here are the flowers in the vase.

After finishing the vase I decided that Ella would need a watering can to water her flowers. It is velcroed to the page so it can be removed and if you look close there is a little strip of blue coming out the spout to look like water.

Here are the next two pages....a refrigerator with food and a plate.

The food in the refrigerator can be used to make a sandwich and the containers at the top of the page are mayo and mustard that can be spread on with the knife.

Here's my shout out to the good ol' paper doll.

The armoire holds her clothes and shoes.

The last page is a bit scary just because it's so hard to make a persons face and not have it look scary, but thankfully kids are picky. On the left is a purse that can be removed and it's filled with all sorts of goodies.

Here is the lady with all her goodies...two hairbows, earrings, broach, necklace, hairbrush and lipstick.

I had SO much fun making this for Ella. I completed it in 24 hours...I amazed even myself, but I just couldn't stop sewing. Thankfully the kids love to watch me sew. Really it wasn't that hard in fact I didn't even use any templates I just freehanded most everything. Plus felt is so forgiving when it comes to sewing.

Don't worry I haven't forgotten about the boys. In fact I'm going to make Jack a boy quiet book and I'm going to make Owen a felt medical kit. I already started working on Jack's quiet book and just to wet your whistle here's a sneek peek at it....

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