Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cup Sleeves!

This is a craft I did as gifts for my MOPS group a couple months back. I couldn't share it on the blog though since I was also giving them to my Mom for Mother's day.

I made 40 of them for my MOPS group! It actually only took me two afternoons and they were done. They are super easy!

Of course this is another idea I got from Pinterest. I printed out the template, cut my felt to size, pinned them in place and then sewed them up using a zigzag stitch.

I didn't like the excess felt that sewing it together made so I decided to add my own flare and cover that up.

I used the same felt flowers that I've used in a bunch of my crafts. I parted the excess felt and then glued the flower to it. It was a great way to cover it up and added some cuteness!

Super cute and super easy!

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