Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Daddy!

Look at this pitiful thing! I bought this BBQ brand new, put it together all by myself and surprised Michael will it for our 4th or 6th wedding anniversary...I can't remember exactly. Today is our 13th wedding anniversary so it was about time we got a new one don'tcha thing!

Michael found this awesome BBQ at Mclendon's on sale for $150 off the original price. Since Michael works with a bunch of guys that like to fish, hunt, barbecue and smoke their own "kills" he is wanting to get more into doing this himself.  

We've only cooked on it once so far, but this bad boy will be getting lots of use this summer. Michael is already looking forward to getting the box that holds the wood chips so he can smoke some meat.

Tonight neither of us are cooking though....Ga-Ga & Pa are coming over to watch the kids so we can go out and have a nice quiet Anniversary dinner!

Happy 13th Anniversary honey...I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! That BBQ looks alot like ours! Jeremy loves it! Happy Anniversary! Have a good night out!
