Thursday, June 7, 2012


Last Thursday I decided it was time for Zeke to have a bath. He had been spitting up a bit and I didn't want him to start smelling sour.

The look on his face says, "What is going on?"

I know the doctors say don't bathe your baby until the umbi falls off, but I bathed Ella before hers fell off too and it was fine. I just make sure that we don't use too much water so it's not submerged.

The boys helped me bathe Ella for her first bath so I thought it would be fun to have the kids help bathe Zeke. They all loved it! Poor Zeke was getting mauled by all three of them at once. But seriously he is just such a chilled out dude he was fine!

Towards the end he did let out this one little cry so I knew he was done.

Super clean burrito baby! Oh and of course the moment I was finished getting him in his nice clean sleeper...he spit up on it! Figures! :)

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