Monday, June 25, 2012

First With Four!

Last Thursday I was determined to get out of this house. We had been cooped up long enough and the kids and I were going stir crazy. I hadn't felt well enough to get out with all 4 of them prior to this, but since the weather was going to be decent it was the perfect time for our first trip out!

All ready to go!

I got myself and 4 kids ready and packed to go by 9:30am. We got to the park by 10 and were the first ones there.

It was still a little on the cool side so instead of playing in the water the kids played on the toys instead.

Cute climber!

Jack is challenging himself more and more when it comes to climbing or playing on new toys.

At this particular park they have a zip line, but it's always been so busy the kids have never wanted to go on it. Since we had the whole park to ourselves they got to try it out.

At first Jack didn't want to go on it at all, but after seeing Owen and Ella go on it he decided to give it a whirl. He did great, but I'm still not sure if he liked it or not.

This girl is a daredevil! In order to keep the sun off her stitches I put a bandaid on her forehead. I didn't think it would feel very good to have sunscreen rubbed on it just yet.

Zeke slept while the kids were playing on the playground and just when they wanted to sit down and eat he woke up to eat too. I pumped so I didn't have to worry about nursing in public. I love that he is the first of our kids that does not care how he gets his milk...boob or bottle he's fine either way! PTL!!!

Snuggling my girl!

After about 20 minutes other kids started showing up and it got busy pretty fast. It also warmed up so the kids started playing in the water. Thankfully the boys aren't nearly as timid about playing around a lot of kids.

Handsome 5 year old!

Just hanging out!

One of the kids playing had this water squirter and he let Owen play with it. Of course now Owen wants his own.

The boys had a lot of fun playing in the water, Ella mostly stuck close to me and ate and Zeke after being feeding and held for a while ended up taking a nap in his car seat. There were zero meltdowns or tears so it was a complete success!

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