Friday, June 1, 2012

This Is What Happens....

when you let your daughter pick out her clothes to go to Fred Meyer. Ella picked out the dress she wore to Uncle Ryan & Aunt Stephie's wedding. It's a 12 month old dress, but I just haven't been able to put it's so adorable. Anyways I was super surprised she even fit into it. It looked like one of those Shirley Temple dresses since it came up to her knees. She is so cute! She did want to wear her pink water shoes with her dress, but Daddy convinced her that she should wear her dressy shoes with her pretty dress....thank goodness!!

Cute 27 month old wearing a 12 month old dress!

At Uncle Ry & Aunt Stephie's Wedding!

As for the boys they picked out their clothes and they looked like hillbillies...unfortunately I don't have pictures! Jack chose sweat pants that were too small, a tee shirt he wore backwards and his cowboy boots. Owen wore warm up pants, a tee shirt worn normally and then his muddy boots. I told Michael to please tell the Playland worker at Fred Meyer that they picked their own clothes out!

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