Friday, August 3, 2012

Major Makeover!

So it started with the kids bathroom, but really I had already been thinking about moving the kids rooms around for a couple weeks. For starters Owen needs less sleep so when we put him and Jack to bed he keeps Jack up. It's annoying and I feel really sorry for Jack. Owen also needs his own space. He's constantly trying to have "alone time" by playing in the sandbox, but what ends up happening...his brother and sister follow him everywhere. I thought it would be nice for him to have his own space.

Here is what the boys room looked like before.

In all honesty there room was much more messy that these pictures show, but these's were taken when we first set their room up with their new furniture.

And now the big room is Jack and Zeke's! Jack gets to sleep on the top bunk...he wasn't too happy about that actually and Zeke is sleeping in his crib now. I also thought this would be a good sleeping arrangement because Jack can sleep through almost anything so if Zeke cries at night and I need to come in and get him he'll be fine. Another reason is I wanted to foster a relationship between Jack and Zeke. Owen and Jack already have that closeness, but Zeke is 4 years younger than Jack, but I really want them to have a good bond.

This is what Ella's room looks like now. The only things that changed here was we moved her brown chair back into her room (I had moved it into Michael's office where Zeke was sleeping in his pack and play...picture below) and I moved the changing table from her room to Jack and Zeke's.

Here is where Zeke was sleeping before....the corner of Michael's office.

This is what Michael's office looked like...although the table and chairs weren't there, that was Zeke's corner. And now...

It's Owen's big boy room! He's hiding under the covers in this picture. He has a cold and wasn't feeling very good. When I first mentioned that he was going to get to have his very own room he was quite upset. I've mentioned before that he doesn't do well with change. Once I showed him where his bed would be going and that he would have a nightstand he felt better. We also made a trip to Target to get the lamp and alarm clock that are on his nightstand so that helped too!

My brother bought me this papisan chair at a garage sale and I thought it would be perfect for Owen to either jump from his bed to it or curl up in and look at books. By the end of the night Owen was loving his own space and we even heard him yell at his brother and sister to, "Get out of MY room!"'s started!

There are still things to move around like their name fact I need to make Zeke's. I also want to put up some more decorations in Owen's room and get him his own hamper.

Since Owen's room is now taking up what was once Michael's office we had to make some changes there too. First was removing the top of his computer desk...thanks to my friend Jenn for giving me this idea. I kept trying to figure out where that huge corner unit would go, but there just wasn't a place for it since it would end up covering up a window!

After 1 coat of primer, 2 coats of white paint, a piece of plexy glass for the top and a new to us office chair and now Michael's office has a new home in the dining room. I know that the saying is the kitchen is the heart of the home, but in our house it's the dining room for sure. It serves so many purposes - place to eat, Michael's office, laundry room and my craft area is on the right side of the fireplace. I still have a bit of organization to do in this room and then I'll take a picture of the whole room. After all those changes it feels like a new house and it's so much more user friendly for our life at this moment!

1 comment:

  1. My, my you have been a busy little bee! It's like backwards nesting : ) Love all the stuff you've done. I need to get inspired to do some makeovers here!
