Saturday, August 18, 2012

MOPS Playdate!

My MOPS group had planned play dates every Tuesday this summer, but since you know I had a baby at the beginning of summer we had only made it to one. On Tuesday I remedied that and took the kids to Coulon Beach Park.

The weather has been positively perfect for water fun and we need to take advantage of it before the rain comes back.

I was the first MOPS Mom there, but shortly afterwards Kim, Andrew & Josiah showed up.

Thanks to Kim I learned how to zoom with my new phone so I could take closer pictures. About a week ago Michael and I both finally joined the modern age and got smart phones. I will not admit that the first time I got a phone call I didn't actually know how to answer it, but I am still trying to figure out certain things.

When Miss Heather got to the beach she brought Logan along with her. Logan was very excited about seeing Ella. She's so precious and I miss her to pieces. Her and Ella are just so cute together.

Seriously...adorable girl friends!

MOPS Moms hanging out!

This is only the second time Logan's seen Zeke. She is talking up a storm and she even called me Miss Lyndsay.

After the kids played in the water for almost 3 hours it was time to come home and wait for the Comcast guy to show up. I was sure I had packed both the boys a pair of shorts, but sadly for Owen I didn't. I did however have an extra pair of shorts for Ella so....

he wore purple girl shorts home! I'm not sure what's more surprising the fact that he wore girly shorts or the fact that my 5 1/2 year old can fit into 2T shorts!

The kids were covered in sand so I got them all in the tub to remove the remnants of our fun. I had laid the towel over the sink and it occurred to me that it looked pretty comfortable so I stuck Zeke in there so he could hang out while I washed the kids up. Just another fun summer day!

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