Friday, September 14, 2012

This Baby Of Mine!

Update...Zeke rolled over for the first time from his tummy to his back yesterday!!
I haven't posted an update about Zeke in a while so I thought it was high time.
Zeke is seriously the most easy going baby ever...I know I said that about Ella too, but he's even more so. He just rolls with it! He's a fourth so he sort of has too, but he doesn't mind at all.
He is sleeping through the night again. He did great on vacation and camping, but then when we got home from camping he started waking up once a night for a week. I think he was going through a growth spurt. He usually sleeps from 7:30 until I wake him at 6:45. Don't hate me because my 3 month old sleeps! ;)
He is a serious looker...I mean come on doesn't this picture just make your heart melt! This mama is in love!!!
He loves to be talked to and will give anyone that talks to him huge smiles as a reward.
He really enjoys his play center where he can see himself with the mirror and reach for the toys. I've even found him laughing at himself in the mirror before.
Contemplates things like seen above! ;)
Isn't too crazy about the car.
He loves to be worn in the baby bjorn. I wear him a lot when we are out and about. He's started to fight sleeping in it though. He loves to look around and see everything and he doesn't want to miss out. I'll be walking around a store and all of a sudden I feel a thunk on my chest and it's his head as he finally gives in and falls asleep.
Zeke hasn't rolled over yet, but I'm sure that's partially my fault. I don't put him down for tummy time that often. He does sleep on his tummy though. He is really strong and can hold himself up when he's on his tummy so I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
He loves to chew on his fists, blankets or fingers.
This little last baby of mine melts my heart and I'm treasuring every moment of him since I know all too well that it will be over too soon!

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