Monday, October 8, 2012


Life...that crazy thing that just keeps spinning around me. I feel like I'm having to really cut down on some of the things I do and blogging has been one of them. Not only am I intentionally trying to not be on my computer very much, but my laptop is driving me crazy with it's slowness...I swear it's gonna die soon. Also I haven't been taking that many pictures and when I don't have pictures to go with a post I don't blog.
Right now our schedule is pretty full and I love it that way...getting out of the house is what keeps me sane. Monday morning it's school at Kim's house. Tuesday morning is MOPS, school in the afternoon at home and then Taekwondo in the evening. Wednesday morning is Bible Study and then school at home. Thursday is our stay home day, but since it's the only day of the week we don't have plans it usually ends up being the day for me to schedule things like doctor or WIC appointments. Friday morning is school at Kim's house.
And of course that mixed in with all the other stuff like cooking, cleaning, crafting and playing with the kids and it's a FULL schedule!

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