Saturday, October 13, 2012

Swords & Shields!

On Saturday I went to the semi-annual Mill Creek garage sales with my mom and some friends. I've gone to these for years now and have found so many awesome things. The kids even know that when garage sale day comes that I'm going to be coming home with some goodies. I don't give them all the finds right away...I save some for Christmas or birthdays, but I do make sure that they each have something new to them to play with that night.
For months Jack has been saying he wanted to be a knight for Halloween. A few weeks ago I saw a costume at Costco, but wasn't willing to pay $24 for it. I figured I could find something cheaper. The day of the garage sales Jack told Ga-Ga and I that we were going to come home with his costume.
He was right! We did not see very many costumes, but sure enough we found a knight....for $3!!!! It's the perfect size too! The only thing it didn't come with was a sword and a shield. So that night I got online and found these cool foam swords and shields at Toys R Us.
You got 2 swords and 2 shields and it only cost $5.98! Of course they are actually considered a summer item so they can't be found in stores so I had to order them online. Literally the shipping was going to cost me more that the swords! So I ended up doing a little Christmas shopping early and spent $50 total and got free shipping!
I went ahead and ordered 2 sets so we have 4 swords and 4 shields. I figured that one might get broke and seriously $5.98...why not! The boys and Daddy have had fun running around playing Bad Ninjas! Both the swords have broken, but not badly and Michael was able to fix them. I am keeping the other set sealed up until Halloween so Jack can have a brand new sword for that night.

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